

犯罪学研究, 实习, 出国留学, and learning from faculty experts prepare criminal justice majors for a broad variety of career options.
宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 student Brian Moore's internship with the local police department changed him: "It made me think more like a police officer."

"的 internship made me look at policing in a different, 更现实的方式," Moore said of the 12-week program, where he learned the intricacies of policing and networked with officers. 

的 阿宾顿 Township Police Department rotates interns through multiple units exposing them to a range of police work. 根据摩尔, riding along with one patrol officer inspired him to consider his own leap from student to a career in criminal justice.

"I rode on patrol with a newer officer," he said. "We talked about his transition to policing. I got the perspective of someone going through what I will experience."

Moore completed a stint in community policing working with a commander who is also an criminal justice instructor at 阿宾顿. While assigned to that unit, Moore led the interns and worked closely with the police chief on a project. 

Moore first connected with the township police through Lisa Morris, a senior instructor of criminal justice who encouraged students to enroll in the department's Citizens Police Academy. Moore signed up and explored SWAT, 事故调查, 使用武力, and crime scene processing among other police functions. 

Moore said his college experiences including study in England with Morris, 管理学者, 一份工作, and volunteering prepared him for a high-pressure career in policing. 


宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 students traveled to New Bucks University outside of London to compare and contrast the justice systems in the United States and England.


刑事司法 in England

阿宾顿 students enrolled in CRIMJ499 focus on a body of scholarship addressing critical issues, 政策, and complexities of the criminal justice systems in the United States and the United Kingdom. And what better way to compare and contrast the two than traveling to England for one week and experiencing it for themselves?

Lisa Morris, senior instructor in criminal justice, has taught this 全球项目 course for several years and has strong relationships with her colleagues in England. As a result, Morris' students benefit from established connections. 



Criminal justice majors participate in the thriving 本科研究 community at 阿宾顿, also known as ACURA. 的y work closely with faculty to research different aspects of criminal justice including the opioid epidemic in the region. 


Inside the 刑事司法 Program

刑事司法 program at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 offers a broad education that is designed to teach the dynamics and functions of the American criminal justice system.

You will learn research methods for investigating issues that can help prepare you for careers with the justice system. 另外, the program fosters skills in oral and written communication, 批判性思维, 解决问题, 政策分析.


阿宾顿 offers both bachelor of arts (B.A.) and bachelor of science (B.S.) degrees in 刑事司法.

B.A. program offers diverse coursework to examine criminal justice foundations and practices, and includes foreign language study.

B.S. degree includes skills enhancement courses, which are often used in pursuing a minor.