

Students enhance their academic and personal brands through short-term 出国留学 courses offered at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校. 现在准备去冰岛旅行吧, 日本, or Scotland next year with the support of 阿宾顿's 全球项目办公室.

研究 气候变化 在冰岛, 组织沟通 在日本,或 游戏 or 刑事司法 2020年春季学期在苏格兰. 这门课s are based at 阿宾顿 and include a five- to 10-day 出国留学 component.

现在是时候联系阿宾顿了 全球项目办公室 为这些课程提供经济援助和准备.  

Continue reading to find out more about 阿宾顿 student experiences in Asia and Europe. 


这门课, Android手机在中国的发展, served as an international enhancement to other Information Sciences and Technology (IST) courses that are related to programming technologies. 这门课, which was held at 阿宾顿 during the spring 2017 semester and required a 10-day required travel component to 中国 in May, gave students hands-on experience of designing and developing mobile applications.

阿宾顿的学生, 由两位教员领导, obtained critical experience working with people from different cultural backgrounds in a project team setting, 提高他们的沟通和团队合作能力.



宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 students studying how cultural differences impact 业务 ethics in 马耳他. 


看到 留学马耳他,英国和爱尔兰Facebook相册 查看更多图片.


商业道德与社会:全球视角, 由Steven McMillan教授, illuminates the importance of culture in determining ethics, which will prove valuable to students as they embark on their careers.

的 group traveled to 马耳他, which is located at a strategic point between Europe, Africa, and Asia. Its diverse culture is home to substantial differences from the American view of ethical behavior.

McMillan spent almost six months on 马耳他 as a Fulbright scholar so his contacts and familiarity with the island nation enhanced the student experience. 


宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 students studying comparative 刑事司法 in 英格兰. 



阿宾顿 students focused on a body of scholarship addressing critical issues, 政策, and complexities of the 刑事司法 systems in the United States and the United Kingdom. And what better way to compare and contrast the two than traveling to 英格兰 and experiencing it for themselves?

丽莎•莫里斯, 刑事司法高级讲师, has taught this course for several years and has strong relationships with her colleagues in 英格兰. As a result, Morris' students benefit from established connections. 



代表地方, Exploring the Visual Arts in 爱尔兰 explores the creation of art in response to the beauty of 爱尔兰’s physical landscape and its rich cultural landscape and tradition in the dramatic, 文学与视觉艺术.

两位阿宾顿教员,邦妮·列文塔尔和H. 约翰•汤普森, were joined at various times by Irish artists and writers.

学生们在巴利卡斯尔生活和工作, 梅奥郡, 著名的巴林伦艺术基金会的所在地. While in Dublin students will have the opportunity to visit Irish artist’s studios, 美术馆和博物馆.


A group of 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 students studied in Salamanca, 西班牙, in the fall 2016.



阿宾顿 students and faculty traveled to 西班牙 in the fall 2016. 的y students immersed themselves in the centuries old language and culture and returned to more engaged than ever with the world beyond their hometowns.

"This trip opened my eyes to how people around the world live every day so differently without us even thinking about it,大四学生瓦莱丽·桑杰洛说. "It has given me an entire new perspective and appreciation on how our world connects as a whole."

全球教育办公室 & 订婚 opened the world to these students and will do the same for you, finding programs that mesh with your goals and helping find financial assistance when needed. 的 travel component generally lasts between seven and 10 days.

2017春夏 留学项目安排在艺术类, 业务, 刑事司法, 科学, 信息科学与技术.

About the 全球项目办公室, International Student and Scholar Services, & 全球教育 & 订婚

联合国的使命 全球项目办公室 是为了支持跨文化意识的发展, 对其他文化的欣赏, the development of intercultural competencies and responsible global citizenry by providing diverse global opportunities for the 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 community.

Opportunities for information and access to global engagement programs are available to students through semester long programs of 出国留学, short-term faculty led programs with an international travel component, 国际实习, leadership positions as 全球 Ambassadors or 全球 Buddies and other opportunities to work and/or teach abroad upon graduation.