<艺术icle about="/photo/10178/2016/09/28/day-service-campus" class="node image node-image feature-艺术icle-header">


Memorable moments from the celebration of all that makes 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 home — the people, 学者, 研究, 艺术, and service and officially welcoming 达米安·J. 费尔南德斯致家人.
<艺术icle about="/feature/welcome-week" class="node feature-艺术icle node-feature-艺术icle full clearfix">
宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 highlighted collaboration and engagement during a thrilling week of events.

围绕卓越的主题而建, the campus community explored new interests and indulged their passions with concerts, 讲座, 艺术, 和对话. 看到所有的图像 脸谱网

The Day of 服务 found the campus community engaged on and off campus with nonprofits such as Briar Bush Nature Center and the Interfaith Housing Alliance.

The Division of Social Sciences includes majors such as criminal justice, 心理与社会科学, 业务, and the RN to bachelor's degree in nursing.

艺术学部 & Humanities presented programs in music, theater, and film.

The Chancellor’s Convocation, a ceremony officially marking Dr. Damian J. Fernandez's tenure, followed a Cuban-themed lunch for the campus community. 


Damian J. Fernandez lays out his vision for 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 during a formal ceremony installing him as the new chancellor.

图片来源:Maria Narodetsky

宾大阿宾顿返校节 & 音乐节

Open to the public and featuring a Penn State football watch p艺术y, 食品摊贩, 工艺品商贩, and a daylong musical event sponsored by Yamaha.